The party has explored caves 1 and 2 by now, or if you like simply skip them to here.

Note: this area is an unused drow surface entrance. The dark elves that are posted here have been sent here as punishment or because of political considerations. While they will initially attack the party, once the leader becomes aware of them she will attempt to bargain so as to discover their purpose and, more importantly to her, see what she can gain from the deal. If the party does not wish to make a deal then the drow will have no choice but to fight the party. Unlike some other situations making an alliance here could be fatal since the drow will betray the party at their weakest moment.

Cave #3 is the furthest along their route and also the hardest to reach. It lies back down the mountainsides and near several treacherous cliff faces. One thing to note is that a small grove of trees lies near the cave growing ably along the sheer side of the cliff face.

The cave entrance is immediately different to the players since it is obviously worked stone. The entrance is 15′ high and 20′; there are no signs of passage however. Inside the cave resembles a long tunnel winding down at a slight slope into the earth. As soon as the players reveal light the guards who watch this entrance will spot them.

The passage here travels approximately 200′ before reaching the defenses at area #1. If the party is using a light source then they will be spotted at a distance of 100′ unless it is night on the surface in which case they will be spotted immediately upon entering the tunnel.

Read through the accompanying area Dark Elf Complex before running this section. We’ll wait for you. hmmm, hmm, hmm. You back? Ok lets continue.

Dark elf reactions: When the dark elves notice the party, 1 will go to send out the alarm while the other attacks with his poisoned crossbow. The guard will return in 2 rounds and 3 guards and 1 officer will arrive 2 rounds after him. They will continue to barrage the characters and prevent anyone getting past the wall. They will use their darkness spells to hinder the party. They have no qualms wasting shots by firing into the darkness and hoping for lucky hits. All remaining guards will be suited up after 5 more rounds. 2 will go to the other post to bolster it while the rest and the 2 officers go to the main staging area. The captain will take 3 more rounds to get her armor on and will then drag the wizard Durgaan along with her to the staging area. The captain will then attempt to discover who is attacking from the soldiers at the wall. She will attempt to call a cease-fire at this point. If the party obliges she will ask their business and apologize for her over-aggressive men, all from behind the safety of the wall of course.

If the party does not wish to chat or attempt diplomacy then the dark elves will go back to attacking them. If the party fails to breach the wall and falls back to regroup then Durgaan will be forced to lead an attack against the party through the secret passage, which Sheltan will reseal as he leaves!

He will take 1/2 of the remaining dark elf warriors and officers and attempt to ambush the party’s campsite. He will make use of his invisibility spells to help him and the others get close. Remember that Durgaan is a coward and will not let anyone close with him if possible. He will dimension door away when HE decides the raid is a failure, even if he must leave all the troops behind.

Back to the diplomacy option: If the players are amiable to talking, Sheltan will explain that they are here to guard against surface world invasions which makes her men somewhat jumpy. She will ask the party to state what their business is so she can determine if she can grant them passage.

When the dark elves notice the party, 1 will go to send out the alarm while the other attacks with his poisoned crossbow. The guard will return in 2 rounds and 3 guards and 1 officer will arrive 2 rounds after him. They will continue to barrage the characters and prevent anyone getting past the wall. They will use their darkness spells to hinder the party. They have no qualms wasting shots by firing into the darkness and hoping for lucky hits. All remaining guards will be suited up after 5 more rounds. 2 will go to the other post to bolster it while the rest and the 2 officers go to the main staging area. The captain will take 3 more rounds to get her armor on and will then drag the wizard Durgaan along with her to the staging area. The captain will then attempt to discover who is attacking from the soldiers at the wall. She will attempt to call a cease-fire at this point. If the party obliges she will ask their business and apologize for her over-aggressive men, all from behind the safety of the wall of course.

If the party does not wish to chat or attempt diplomacy then the dark elves will go back to attacking them. If the party fails to breach the wall and falls back to regroup then Durgaan will be forced to lead an attack against the party through the secret passage, which Sheltan will reseal as he leaves!

He will take 1/2 of the remaining dark elf warriors and officers and attempt to ambush the party’s campsite. He will make use of his invisibility spells to help him and the others get close. Remember that Durgaan is a coward and will not let anyone close with him if possible. He will dimension door away when HE decides the raid is a failure, even if he must leave all the troops behind.

Back to the diplomacy option: If the players are amiable to talking, Sheltan will explain that they are here to guard against surface world invasions which makes her men somewhat jumpy. She will ask the party to state what their business is so she can determine if she can grant them passage.
