Maeldrun’s Protection
By Alex Dominguez
 School  Abj.

   This spell creates a thin layer of magical
protection around the caster that is invisible to the naked
eye. The protection is only visible when the caster takes
damage from a physical attack, glowing like a dim yellow second
layer of skin around the caster.

   The spell reduces the damage of all physical
attacks by 1/4 as if it gave DR (1/4 damage taken)/+1. The
caster would only take 3 of every 4 hit points of damage.
The spell offers no protection versus magic or special damage
taken as a result of continuous damage from physical contact.
(i.e. continuous crushing damage, torture devise, stirge,

   The spell is cumulative with other means
of protection, but is always calculated after all damage is
reduced by other means, including other damage reduction.
Minimum damage can never be less than 1, always round down
when determining damage not taken.

Note: If an attacking creature has spell resistance
check it to see if the creature can ignore this spell altogether
for that casting. This is an exception to standard SR rules.

 Level  1 Sor, Wiz
 Components  V,S
 Range  0
 Target  Self
 Duration  1 r / lvl
 Save  No
 Resistance  Yes