DnDAdventure.com Dungeon Master Resources
Below you will find our tools, software, downloads, articles, conversions, and other resources for DM’s.
Be sure to check out DM Sheets, Screens & Tools, Miscellaneous DM Resources, and Conversions for lists of free downloadable resources.

Miscellaneous DM Resources
Miscellaneous DM Resources
DM Secretary Program
DM Secretary is a collection of tools compiled into a program and intended to help a Dungeon Master run a Dungeons and Dragons game from their computer.
Forgotten Realms Calendar
Forgotten Realms Calendar
D&D Riddles
D&D Riddles
Master Smith
Master Smith
Cool Tools
Spell Editor, Monster Editor, Dice Roller
Dice Roller Programs
Dice Roller Programs
Table Smith – Generator Program
This powerful tool is intended to aid RPG Gamemasters by providing an easy-to-use system for creating and using tables and charts for their campaigns.
Mass Combat System
Mass Combat System
Combat Sheets & Charts
Combat Sheets & Charts
AD&D Combat DM Program
AD&D Combat DM Program
Cool Tools 2
Cool Tools 2 - Domain Editor, Equipment Editor. Monster Editor, Traps Editor, Spell Editor, Dice Roller
Netbook of Armour
Netbook of Armour
Netbook of Plots
The Net Book of Plots, Volume 1-6 (ZIP 301Kb) The Net Book of Plots, HTML version Volume 1-6 (ZIP 580 Kb) Plots Plots of genre “Any” Unknown Protection What have you got? Who is Who? Improvised Defenses Collection of VERY short descriptions Find the Right...
Encounters Sheets & Tools
Encounters Sheets & Tools
Critical Hits Tables
Critical Hits Tables
Plots for Dungeon Masters
Plots for DMs
DM Sheets, Screens, Tools
DM Sheets & Screens
City Generator Download
City Generator Download
Dungeon & Town Cutouts – Map Making for Miniatures
Dungeon & Town Cutouts - Map Making for Miniatures
Combat Generator
Combat Generator
The Netbook of Slavery (or a d20 guide to selling NPCs for fun and profit)
The Netbook of Slavery (or a d20 guide to selling NPCs for fun and profit)
Demon Construction Matrix
Demon Construction Matrix
Netbook – Tome of the Damned
Netbook - Tome of the Damned