by D&D Gamer | Spells - Levels 5+
Magic Shell (Sor/Wiz 7)
by D&D Gamer | Spells - Levels 5+
Julian's Short-Order Recipe (Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 5)
by D&D Gamer | Spells - Levels 5+
Taragon's Elemental Transformer (Sor/Wiz 5)
by D&D Gamer | Spells - Levels 5+
Soul Bind (Sor/Wiz 5)
by D&D Gamer | Spells - Levels 5+
Hide Life (Sor/Wiz 9)
by D&D Gamer | Spells - Levels 5+
Swap (Sor/Wiz 6)
by D&D Gamer | Spells - Levels 5+
Dispel Magic Trigger (Sor/Wiz/Clr 5)
by D&D Gamer | Spells - Levels 5+
Wall of Insects (Sor/Wiz 7, Drd 6)
by D&D Gamer | Spells - Levels 5+
Consciousness Skip (Sor/Wiz 5)
by D&D Gamer | Spells - Levels 5+
Maeldrun's Magic Shield (Sor/Wiz 7)
by D&D Gamer | Spells - Levels 5+
Bone Fuse (Sor/Wiz 5)
by D&D Gamer | Spells - Levels 5+
Rock to Magma (Drd/Sor/Wiz 6)
by D&D Gamer | Spells - Levels 5+
Warzbach's Animated Army (Sor/Wiz 8)